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Dungeon Frequenter

Token information last checked

Name (sorted by encounter) Minimum Gained Current Change
Wing 1: Spirit Vale
Vale Guardian Fragment80 0
Vale Guardian Coffer00n/a
Gorseval Tentacle Piece170 0
Gorseval's Coffer00n/a
Sabetha Flamethrower Fragment Piece110 0
Sabetha's Coffer00n/a
Wing 2: Salvation Pass
Slothasor Mushroom70 0
Slothasor's Coffer00n/a
Prison-Camp Chest00n/a
White Mantle Abomination Crystal130 0
Matthias's Coffer00n/a
Wing 3: Stronghold of the Faithful
Turret Fragment90 0
McLeod's Coffer00n/a
Keep Construct Rubble90 0
Keep Construct's Coffer00n/a
Ribbon Scrap110 0
Xera's Coffer00n/a
Wing 4: Bastion of the Penitent
Cairn Fragment70 0
Cairn's Coffer00n/a
Recreation Room Floor Fragment160 0
Mursaat Overseer's Coffer00n/a
Impaled Prisoner Token192 0
Samarog's Coffer00n/a
Fragment of Saul's Burden200 0
Deimos's Coffer00n/a
Wing 5: Hall of Chains
Desmina's Token40 0
Desmina's Coffer00n/a
River of Souls Token60 0
River of Souls Coffer00n/a
Statue Token80 0
Statue of Grenth Coffer00n/a
Dhuum's Token40 0
Dhuum's Coffer00n/a
Wing 6: Mythwright Gambit
Conjured Amalgamate Token70 0
Conjured Amalgamate's Coffer00n/a
Twin Largos Token180 0
Twin Largos' Coffer00n/a
Qadim's Token60 0
Qadim's Coffer00n/a
Wing 7: The Key of Ahdashim
Cardinal Adina's Token180 0
Cardinal Adina's Coffer00n/a
Cardinal Sabir's Token210 0
Cardinal Sabir's Coffer00n/a
Ether Djinn's Token120 0
Qadim the Peerless's Coffer00n/a
Wing 8: Mount Balrior
Greer's Token00 0
Greer's Coffer00 0
Greer's Magnificent Coffer00 0
Decima's Token00 0
Decima's Coffer00 0
Decima's Magnificent Coffer00 0
Ura's Token00 0
Ura's Coffer00 0
Ura's Magnificent Coffer00 0

If you are about to donate/destroy some tokens, it's recommended that you refresh your KillProof profile first so that we get the maximum number of tokens you had. Make sure you refresh your tokens again before doing any more raiding so that we then get the minimum number as well and any new ones you get are counted as new.

Coffer totals are just the current value - older totals are not kept.

Technical: We calculate the minimum number (minValue) someone is likely to have had based on their historical values going back to the later of their KillProof.me signup date or the end of May 2019. For each value, if it's more than the previous value, we add the difference to minValue since they have gained tokens. If someone donates some tokens for guild decorations or destroys them, the previous value will be higher and we ignore the difference (we could track it to show how many have been donated/destroyed).

Profile created:
Last updated:

KillProof id k8n3w