Patreon membership

Patreon is a way for people (Patrons) to support creators on either a one-off or monthly basis. They handle all the billing and local taxes so we don't have to.

When you choose to support, your monthly amount is taken straight away and then on the same day of every month until you cancel it. You can choose what amount to give, or just use the custom id tier of 3 US Dollars or your local equivalent. Even a few dollars/euros/pounds a month helps towards server and domain renewal costs.

Free account

  • Automatic full refresh once per week
  • Random id


  • Automatic full refresh every 12 hours
  • Custom id (permanent)
  • Discord role (if you have linked Discord to Patreon)
  • Customisable profile page (active patrons only)
  • 15 minute refresh cooldown (active patrons only)

Our Patreon page can be found at - it's not much to look at but most of our content is provided within our own website.

If you subscribe as a Patron, you can connect your Patreon account with your KillProof account (if you don't have one, register first) and then we can automatically update your account with any benefits.


If you have any questions about the Patreon system (or anything else related), please contact us.