This is the weekly clear history for Endrosz.3609. The most recent weeks are at the top. Occasionally due to API glitches, server downtime or when an encounter was cleared, there may be an encounter cleared which is not recorded below but it shouldn't happen often.

Start of Week Wing 1Wing 1Wing 2Wing 2Wing 3Wing 3Wing 4Wing 4Wing 5Wing 5Wing 6Wing 6Wing 7Wing 7
Vale Guardian Spirit Woods Gorseval Sabetha Slothasor Bandit Trio Matthias Escort Keep Construct Twisted Castle Xera Cairn Mursaat Overseer Samarog Deimos Soulless Horror River of Souls Statues of Grenth Voice in the Void Conjured Amalgamate Twin Largos Qadim Gate Cardinal Adina Cardinal Sabir Qadim the Peerless
Encounter clears40404039159404238120383938341494342403315823212021852322236827383836139
2024-04-29     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-04-22     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-04-15     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-04-08     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-04-01     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-03-25     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-03-18     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-03-11     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-03-04     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-02-26     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-02-19     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-02-12     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-02-05     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-01-29     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-01-22     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-01-15     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-01-08     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2024-01-01     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-12-25     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-12-18     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-12-11     0/43/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-12-04     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-11-27     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-11-20     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/43/3    0/4
2023-11-13     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-11-06     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4  1/34/4
2023-10-30     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-10-23     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-10-16     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-10-09     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/43/34/4
2023-10-02     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/43/34/4
2023-09-25     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/43/34/4
2023-09-18     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/43/34/4
2023-09-11     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/43/34/4
2023-09-04     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/43/34/4
2023-08-28     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/43/34/4
2023-08-21     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-08-14     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/43/3    0/4
2023-08-07     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-07-31     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/43/3 3/4
2023-07-24     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/4   0/34/4
2023-07-17     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/4   0/34/4
2023-07-10     0/4   0/3    0/44/4   1/4 2/3 3/4
2023-07-03     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4 2/3   1/4
2023-06-26     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/43/34/4
2023-06-19     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4   1/4   0/3   1/4
2023-06-12     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4 2/3    0/4
2023-06-05     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-05-29     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-05-22     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4 3/4  1/3    0/4
2023-05-15     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4  1/3   1/4
2023-05-08     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4   1/43/34/4
2023-05-01     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-04-24     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-04-17     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/4  1/3 3/4
2023-04-10     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4 3/4   0/34/4
2023-04-03     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/43/3    0/4
2023-03-27     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/43/3    0/4
2023-03-20     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4   1/43/3 3/4
2023-03-13     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/44/4 2/34/4
2023-03-06     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4  2/4 2/3    0/4
2023-02-27     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-02-20     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-02-13     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-02-06     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-01-30 4/43/3    0/4 3/44/43/3    0/4
2023-01-23     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-01-16     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-01-09     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2023-01-02     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-12-26     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-12-19 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-12-12 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-12-05 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/34/4
2022-11-28 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3 3/4
2022-11-21 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3 3/4
2022-11-14 4/4 2/34/44/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-11-07 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3 3/4
2022-10-31 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/34/4
2022-10-24 4/43/34/44/4    0/4  1/34/4
2022-10-17 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/34/4
2022-10-10 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/34/4
2022-10-03 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3  2/4
2022-09-26 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3  2/4
2022-09-19 4/43/3 3/44/4    0/4   0/3 3/4
2022-09-12 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/34/4
2022-09-05 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3 3/4
2022-08-29 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3 3/4
2022-08-22 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-08-15 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3 3/4
2022-08-08 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/34/4
2022-08-01 4/43/34/44/4    0/43/3   1/4
2022-07-25 4/43/34/4    0/44/4   0/3    0/4
2022-07-18 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-07-11 4/43/34/44/4   1/4   0/3    0/4
2022-07-04 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-06-27 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-06-20 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-06-13 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/34/4
2022-06-06 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3 3/4
2022-05-30 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/34/4
2022-05-23 4/43/3 3/4 3/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-05-16 4/43/34/44/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-05-09     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-05-02     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-04-25     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-04-18     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-04-11 4/4 2/3  2/4 3/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-04-04 4/43/3  2/4 3/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-03-28     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-03-21     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-03-14     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-03-07     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-02-28     0/4   0/3   1/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-02-21 4/43/34/4 3/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-02-14     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-02-07     0/4   0/3    0/44/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-01-31 4/43/34/4 3/4    0/4   0/3 3/4
2022-01-24 4/43/34/44/4    0/4  1/3    0/4
2022-01-17     0/43/3    0/4  2/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-01-10 4/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2022-01-03    1/4  1/34/4  2/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2021-12-27     0/4   0/3    0/4 3/4    0/4  1/3    0/4
2021-12-20     0/4   0/3  2/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2021-12-13   2/4  1/3    0/4   1/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2021-12-06     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2021-11-29     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2021-11-22     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2021-11-15     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4
2021-11-08     0/4   0/3    0/4    0/4    0/4   0/3    0/4

Linked to TundeReka.5031, Arviztukorfuro.5627 and Komortalan.6912

Profile created:
Last updated:

KillProof id ggyx8