209 Total LI+LD and 5000 UFE



LI icon


UFE icon


Vial icon


Dungeon Frequenter

Legendary Insight

134 LI unused

Unstable Fractal Essence

2870 Unstable Fractal Essences unused

Boneskinner Ritual Vial

78 vials have been acquired in total *
78 vials unused

Dungeon Frequenter

8 paths counted
0 of 8 paths completed
Achievement completed 1 time

Profile created:
Last updated:

KillProof id 773rb

* The total acquired vials are calculated in the same way as the "minimum gained" values for raid and strike tokens (see below).

Technical: We calculate the minimum number (minValue) someone is likely to have had based on their historical values going back to the later of their KillProof.me signup date or July 2021. For each value, if it's more than the previous value, we add the difference to minValue since they have gained vials. If someone destroys some vials, the previous value will be higher and we ignore the difference (we could track it to show how many have been destroyed).